Thursday, July 1, 2010


Yesterday was a day of great importance to our community. Not only is the First of July the mid-year point (half the year is over and one half remains of 2010), but here in Sacred Heart College, it is the day of the diaconate. 19 of our brothers entered into the Sacrament of Holy Orders as they were ordained deacons in preparation for their priestly ordination. More on the ceremony can be gleaned from this article posted in BIS.

Personally I was touched by the words that the bishop pronounces when he gives the book of the Gospels to each deacon. He says: “Believe what you read, Teach what you believe and Practice what you teach…” Four steps in our ministry of the word: Reading, Believing, Teaching and Practicing. This serves as a reminder to all of us who are called to be ministers of the word…

We pray for our 19 brothers and all those being ordained deacons in preparation for the priesthood…that they will truly be able to fulfill this mission entrusted to them with fidelity and dedication.

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